Summit in Chile 2024

October 22, 2024
from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Hotel Olá Santiago
Avenida Holanda 307, Providencia, Chile

Unlock New Opportunities in the Fresh Produce Market

We are excited to invite you to be part of the Summit in Chile - Make Fruitful Connections, an exclusive event designed to enhance your network and keep you up to date on the latest opportunities in the fresh fruit and vegetable industry.


Keynote Speakers: Expert Insights

This meeting represents a unique opportunity for producers to stay current on market news. We will have inspiring talks from top-level speakers and, most importantly, you will have the chance to establish meaningful connections with key industry players in a networking-friendly environment.

Impressions Chile Summit 2024

    We look forward to creating fruitful connections that transform the future of your business!

    Shasa Lo Russo

    Meet Up Chile | China

    Market Manager Americas
    T: +86 21 6233 0616